Modelling Clay

Modelling Clay

Modelling clay is any one of a series of pliable materials used in architecture and sculpture referred to as a modelling compound. The production methods and material compositions differ.

What are the 4 Different Types of Modelling Clay?

Ceramic clay
Ceramic clays are formed from clay minerals and other basic components and are water-based compounds. In a procedure known as firing, they baked at high temperatures to produce. Ceramics like terra cotta, earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. Paper clay is a clay body to which a small amount of processed cellulose fibre has been added and made by pottery clay makers.
Oil-based clay
Clay minerals, waxes, and different oil- and wax-based mixtures create oil-based clays. Oil-based clays keep their malleability even after being exposed to arid conditions for extended periods of time because the oils do not evaporate as water does.
Polymer clay
To cure, polymer clay must be heated to between 129 and 135 °C (265 and 275 °F) for 15 minutes every 6 millimetres (1/4 in) of thickness. During this time, the material does not shrink or alter its shape.

Paper clay

Paper clay created by hand or purchased clay that has had a little amount of processed cellulose fibre added. The fibre facilitates both dry-to-dry and wet-to-dry connections and boosts the tensile strength of dried clay. Commercial paper clays need little shrinkage throughout the drying process and air-dry to a hard, light sculpture

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